PCB layout - avoid errors

- Placement plan
- Pick & Place file if Gerber format is used
Initial problems often occur at the PCB layout stage which can affect the entire project.
- Please make sure that the footprints (land pattern), that is the component landing points of the components to be assembled, comply with the specifications of the respective manufacturer.
- The IPC-7351 offers alternative recommendations and design specifications: http://www.ipc.org/

- Please avoid placing vias on the soldering surfaces of components pads, this causes the solder paste to flow during reflow and will not guarantee a reliable solder joint.
This error is unfortunately made quite frequently and may lead us to identify this site as an error using AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection).
This can also cause the "tombstone effect" where components are lifted vertically during reflow.
Paste dataStencil
If you order a partial assembly, please note that all pads that were created in the paste data are also printed with solder paste.
For logistical reasons we do not send you the SMD stencil.
Reference points
Component placement plan - briefly explained

It should contain the following information:
- Alignment of connectors, terminal blocks and sockets
If components protrude beyond the edge of the board, please draw them accordingly.

If you order a double-sided PCB assembly, make sure that the bottom layer is mirrored when printed in, for example, a PDF. Component names and polarities must also be clearly legible here.
Hiding of the tracks or copper planes
To create an optimal image, we recommend hiding PCB tracks or copper planes and to show only the PCB outer contour, component contours and component names (make sure the printout has sufficient contrast).
Correct and incorrect creation of the component placement plan
![]() - Clear assignment of the component name
- Legible component name - Polarity of components is drawn |
![]() - Assignment of the component name does not exist and/or is illegible
- Polarity of components is missing |
BOM - listing components perfectly
The necessary BOM format templates and specific information on individual data formats can be found on our website under "Instructions for BOM and component placement plan“ on this page. The components that we currently have in stock can be found in the current stock list (.xlsx).

Please note:
It is crucial that the correct number of components to be ordered is listed in the column "QTY" (example file BOM / row 5).
Manufacturer part number for provided components

Please provide a manufacturer part number (MPN) for each component that has a marking (usually semiconductors such as diodes, transistors and ICs) and that you provide to us.
Please enter this number in your BOM in the column "Value" or "Remarks_customer".
During our final inspection of your assembly, we check the markings on the components. For this we need a clear marking.
If you use our practical tool MAGIC-BOM® , please note this number in the "Component details" window in the "Remarks" field.
MAGIC-BOM - the fastest way to assemble

If no selection has been made for a component position, the button is still yellow. You can edit your components at any time, i.e. search for another component, change the placement etc. After you have added the required components from the "Overview" window to your BOM, click on "Next" to go to the "Component positions" window.

After ordering, you will receive the BOM for free as an excel sheet.
Here you can also request a free Excel sheet in which all components are listed again.

Please be aware: If you delete your BOM, you will remove all information that you have stored in your BOM!

Components - each one is important

It is often the case that various distributors provide corresponding information on the packaging. If this is not the case you should always check with your distributor before ordering.
Any components that are not supplied in machine-compatible production packaging cannot be assembled, in certain cases, they may have to be replaced or the component assembly can be completed manually with an additional charge (calculated on the basis of time required).
The following points should be considered when providing components:
- Only distributors with on-line order options (shopping cart), EURO as currency
You can choose whether we order the required components for you or you provide them to us. If we order the components for you, we can only accept distributors with on-line order options (shopping cart), EURO as currency and without credit card payment.
- The components should be delivered in a machine-compatible production packaging, such as rod, tray, roll or reel.
- For plugs, sockets and pin connectors, a placement aid / cap is absolutely necessary, so that they can be equipped by our automatic placement machines.

Cap as placement aid
- Provide reeled goods as a contiguous section and avoid “multiple snippets”. In addition, a feed (> 24 mm) is necessary so that the straps on the machine can be setup.
- If you provide components, ensure that they have been properly stored. For older components where this has not been the case, this can lead to problems with the soldering joints. The components you provide must be delivered in a dry condition (see IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D; IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033B.1).
- The assignment of provided components works on the basis of the BOM you provided, so please label the components with the appropriate name (e.g.: R1, R2, R3,... /10k/0805).
- Components for different projects must be marked accordingly, for example they should also have the project name. Components that are used in different projects must not be present on a single reel section, but they have to be delivered separately with the desired excess amount because we may process different orders separately and on different machines.
Package 0603 or larger: 20% more components (min. however 10)
Package 0402 and 0201: 100% more components (min. however 20)
With high-value components can be dispensed with a excess amount, if these components are machine-compatible with appropriate reel feed or in rod or tray. If no reel feed is available, the typical excess quantity is 1-2 pieces more.
Although we conduct an incoming goods inspection to the best of our due care and diligence, please be advised that we are not liable for components delivered incorrectly or defective and consequential damages resulting from component placement.

Pick & Place file - perfect placement

Field "Comment" in Altium
Soldering process and methods
In the soldering zone is an inert liquid, which is heated by electric heaters to boiling temperature. After reaching the boiling point, the liquid does not heat up further. Each additional energy supply is used to generate steam (evaporation enthalpy). It forms a saturated, chemically inert vapor zone whose temperature is identical to the boiling point of the liquid.
The steam condenses on the surface of the item to be soldered, since the temperature of the item to be soldered is lower than the boiling point. The condensation process stops as soon as the item to be soldered has reached the temperature of the steam. Solder alloys with underlying melting temperature are then already liquid. The item to be soldered is then automatically lifted out of the process area.

THT components are usually soldered using a selective solder wave technique.

If components are to be mounted and soldered at a certain distance from the PCB, we require the appropriate spacers or installation aids. Otherwise, details such as “please solder on LED with 10 mm distance to the PCB” cannot be implemented.

Panelizing made easy

Your PCB will be manufactured in a frame for assembly purposes and we will take care of these details.
However, protruding components need to be identifiable in the PCB layout so that the lands and the frames can be created correctly.
PCBs with an edge length of less than 20 mm are always supplied in panels and not as single units.
This is due to quality assurance reasons.
If you order PCBs in a self-created panel format, these panels will not be separated.
Component placement variants
If you require different assembly variants for your PCB design, we need to create separate orders for each variant.
A suitable BOM and a corresponding component placement plan are required for each order.
Instructions for BOM and component placement plan
After uploading your EAGLE, TARGET 3001!, KiCad or Altium PCB file using our drag and drop function, we will present you with the MAGIC-BOM®.
Where possible, we will help you by making suggestions for each component. This includes suggestions from our Beta Stock.
We also provide a search function to find a wider range of component suggestions or you can enter the component details manually.
We will display the price for suggested components (plus shipping) and charge the supplier price for the manually completed components later.
Instructions on how to create the BOM and component placement plan for EAGLE
Instructions on how to create the BOM and component placement plan for Gerber
Instructions on how to create the BOM and component placement plan for EAGLE
You can use these components on request in your EAGLE BOM file.
For this, components such as R-EU_ resistors, C-EU and CPOL-EU capacitors must come from the original EAGLE rcl.lbr library.
In EAGLE, use the function “Component Placement Variants”, we need a separate order for each variant, indicating which variant is to be filled with components.

This ULP was originally based on the BOM.ulp, which was provided with EAGLE in 2004 and improved over the years by Robert A. Rioja.
The original version can be downloaded from the CadSoft web site.

3. Your schematic tab should look like the picture on the right.
The setting “Grouped by” in the lower left corner must be set to “Same values”.
All parts that are in the “Beta_Stock_day_month_year.BOMdb” file are automatically integrated into your Bill of Materials.

If not, you can open the file “Beta_Stock_month_year.BOMdb” with the button “Open Database”.

If not, please download the file with the “Get setup” button in the lower-right corner.
The “PCB-POOL.BOMsu” setup file must be loaded after the “Beta_Stock_day_month_year.BOMdb” database file. (See point 4).

Make sure that you have selected the table format (spreadsheet).

If you are having trouble reading a * .csv file (there is no separation of the individual field), try the following:
- rename the extension *.csv into *.txt
- open Excel
- click “open file”
- select “All files (*.*)”
- select your *.txt file
- select the text conversion wizard:
- original file type: separated
- Separator: Comma
- Place_YES/NO - Should we place this component?
- Provided_by_customer_YES/NO - Do you provide this component?
- Distributor - Where can we purchase this component?
- Order number - Under which order number does the distributor provide the component?
- Weblink - please help us find your component, especially if it is an exotic product
- Remarks_customer - your comment for this component
The component placement plan for your EAGLE-File
We require the component placement plan stored as a pdf file as additional information for component placement of you PCB.
Please note that the component placement plan also serves as a template for the final visual inspection!
Therefore, the components, component names and contours of the PCB should be clearly visible in the component placement plan.
The orientation of poled components are also indicated here (e.g., diodes, electrolytic capacitors, ICs, connectors, etc.).
Which layer do I have to show in Eagle for this?
For the component placement plan of the TOP layer, please show the following layers:
LY17: Pads
LY20: Dimension
LY21: tPlace
LY25: tNames
LY48: Document
LY51: tDocu
For the component placement plan of the BOTTOM layer, please show the following layers:
LY17: Pads
LY20: Dimension
LY22: bPlace
LY26: bNames
LY48: Document
LY52: bDocu
How do I print the component placement plan as a PDF?
To do this, in your EAGLE layout editor select the menu item “File” > “Print”.
For printer, select a pre-installed PDF writer and adjust the scale to the format DIN A4
(make sure that the DIN A4 page is well filled).
Select the sheet limit when printing to PDF to “1”.
Make sure the bottom layer has a mirrored output so that the labels are readable.
To do this set the tick under Options “Mirrored” located on the left side.
Instructions on how to create the BOM and component placement plan for Fusion 360
You can use these components on request in your Fusion BOM file.
For this, components such as R-EU_ resistors, C-EU and CPOL-EU capacitors must come from the original EAGLE rcl.lbr library.
In Fusion, use the function “Component Placement Variants”, we need a separate order for each variant, indicating which variant is to be filled with components.

This ULP was originally based on the BOM.ulp, which was provided with EAGLE in 2004 and improved over the years by Robert A. Rioja.
The original version can be downloaded from the CadSoft web site.

3. Your schematic tab should look like the picture on the right.
The setting “Grouped by” in the lower left corner must be set to “Same values”.
All parts that are in the “Beta_Stock_day_month_year.BOMdb” file are automatically integrated into your Bill of Materials.

If not, you can open the file “Beta_Stock_month_year.BOMdb” with the button “Open Database”.

If not, please download the file with the “Get setup” button in the lower-right corner.
The “PCB-POOL.BOMsu” setup file must be loaded after the “Beta_Stock_day_month_year.BOMdb” database file. (See point 4).

Make sure that you have selected the table format (spreadsheet).

If you are having trouble reading a * .csv file (there is no separation of the individual field), try the following:
- rename the extension *.csv into *.txt
- open Excel
- click “open file”
- select “All files (*.*)”
- select your *.txt file
- select the text conversion wizard:
- original file type: separated
- Separator: Comma
- Place_YES/NO - Should we place this component?
- Provided_by_customer_YES/NO - Do you provide this component?
- Distributor - Where can we purchase this component?
- Order number - Under which order number does the distributor provide the component?
- Weblink - please help us find your component, especially if it is an exotic product
- Remarks_customer - your comment for this component
The component placement plan for your Fusion 360-File
We require the component placement plan stored as a pdf file as additional information for component placement of you PCB.
Please note that the component placement plan also serves as a template for the final visual inspection!
Therefore, the components, component names and contours of the PCB should be clearly visible in the component placement plan.
The orientation of poled components are also indicated here (e.g., diodes, electrolytic capacitors, ICs, connectors, etc.).
Which layer do I have to show in Fusion 360 for this?
For the component placement plan of the TOP layer, please show the following layers:
LY17: Pads
LY20: Dimension
LY21: tPlace
LY25: tNames
LY48: Document
LY51: tDocu
For the component placement plan of the BOTTOM layer, please show the following layers:
LY17: Pads
LY20: Dimension
LY22: bPlace
LY26: bNames
LY48: Document
LY52: bDocu
How do I print the component placement plan as a PDF?
To do this, in your Fusion 360 layout editor select the menu item “Document” > “Output” > “Print”.
For printer, select a pre-installed PDF writer and adjust the scale to the format DIN A4
(make sure that the DIN A4 page is well filled).
Select the sheet limit when printing to PDF to “1”.
Make sure the bottom layer has a mirrored output so that the labels are readable.
To do this set the tick under Options “Mirrored” located on the left side.
Instructions on how to create the BOM and component placement plan for Altium
In order for Beta LAYOUT to assemble your PCBs we need a Bill of Materials (BOM) supplied according to our specifications and we also require a component placement / assembly drawing plan.

1. Download the file “altium_e.zip”. Find the root directory of Altium Designer on your hard drive.
There you will find the subfolder “Templates”.

2. Now save the previously downloaded “assembling_beta_altium.xlt” file to this folder.
Note that in this example the specified target path / memory address may differ from that on your computer!

3. Next, open your layout with Altium Designer and select “Bill of Materials” under "Reports" in the menu bar.
A new window opens with the required information to the components present in your project.

4. To export this data to the Beta BOM template, select “Grouped Columns” in the top left of the window area by ticking the terms “Comment” and “Footprint”.
In the lower section there is the “Excel Options” with the selection box "Templates". Now select the “BetaBOM-Prototype.xlt” file previously saved to the subfolder.
Then press the “Export” button and enter the destination folder for the BOM save operation.
You should find a BOM in Excel format corresponding to our specifications.

5. Finally, we request that you fill in the missing information (yellow highlighted cells).
If specific information about components is required, enter this in the column “Customer Remarks”.
Please fill in the following fields:
- Place YES/NO - Should we place this component?
- Provided by Customer YES/NO - Will you provide this component?
- Distributor - Where can we purchase this component?
- Order number - Under which order number does the distributor provide the component?
- Customer Remarks - your comment for this component
Instructions on how to create the BOM and component placement plan for Target 3001!
The configuration is shown here using the example “Stepper motor” from the Target demo library making use of
Beta LAYOUT components that are available.

1. In TARGET 3001 select! Menu item -> Service -> PCB_service -> Manufacture PCB in PCB-POOL.
After you have configured your PCB according to your requirements, click on the button [Perform component placement]. Please note our instructions regarding the component placement of PCBs and the delivery of components. To do this, click on the question mark to the right of the [Component placement] button.

2. Double-click to open the line of a displayed component. Please enter all the required information in the appropriate fields.

3. Using the right mouse button you can change the placement properties of several components at the same time.
Under the listed components, you will find a box in which you can enter the desired number of PCBs on which the components are to be placed.
In the field at the bottom right, you are shown the cost of the component placement. Please note that some component costs may be missing, if they cannot be determined automatically.
With the button [Accept Component Placement], the selected placement options are taken over into the calculation of your PCB order.
The component placement plan for your TARGET-File
We require the component placement plan supplied as a pdf file as additional information for component placement of you PCB. The component placement plan is also used as a template for the final visual inspection! Therefore, the components, component names and contours of the PCB should be clearly visible in the component placement plan. The orientation of poled components are also indicated here (e.g., diodes, electrolytic capacitors, ICs, connectors, etc.).
Which layer do I have to show in TARGET for this?
For the component placement plan of the TOP layer, please show the following layers:
- LY18: Solder mask top
- LY21: Component placement top
- LY23: Board outline
- LY24: Drill holes
For the component placement plan of the BOTTOM layer, please show the following layers:
- LY04: Solder mask bottom
- LY07: Component placement bottom
- LY23: Board outline
- LY24: Drill holes
How do I print the component placement plan as a PDF?
To do this, in your TARGET layout editor select the menu item “File” > “Print”.
For printer, select a pre-installed PDF writer. Tick the options “PCB outline counts” and “Centred”. Entering the scale, adjusts the presentation of your layout in the preview.
Depending on the size of the PCB, it makes sense to rotate the presentation by 90 °. To do this place a tick in “Rotate”. If you need a component placement plan for the bottom layer, then also place a tick by “Mirrored”.
Instructions on how to create the BOM and component placement plan for KiCAD (up to version 7)
Component placement plan
We need the component placement plan saved as a PDF from you as additional information for assembling your circuit board.
Please note that the assembly plan also serves as a template for the final visual inspection!
Therefore, the components, component names and the contours of the circuit board should be clearly visible in the assembly plan.The alignment of polarized components is also marked here (e.g. diodes, electrolytic capacitors, ICs, plugs, etc.).
For diodes and leds we need the polarity marked clearly. Using points for the marking is not clear enough, we need the information where the anode and the cathode is located, either with A/C or with +/-.
Which layers do I have to show in KiCAD for this?
This depends on the user’s preferred layers.
The outline is always required (normally in the layer “Edge.Cuts”) plus a layer that contains all the component references and outlines (e.g. F.SilkS, F.Fab or any user preferred layer).
How do I print the assembly plan as a PDF?

1. Extract the zip file “KiCAD_beta_layout_bom.zip” to any directory on your machine.
2. Open your schematic file (.sch)
3. Click “Tools”->”Generate Bill of Materials...”
4. In the following window, click “+”
5) Browse to your extracted files and select “beta_layout_bom.py”
6) Click OK
7) Add the text “.csv” (no spaces) just after %O and before the final parenthesis so the
output file will have this extension (see image).

8) Click “Generate”
9) Finished! Your csv should now be saved in the same folder as your schematic.
Filling out your csv bom
Your csv should look like on the image on the right:

If we find Beta Stock suggestions, we will insert them for you.
Please fill out the columns “Place_YES_NO”, “Provided_by_me_YES_NO”, “Distributor” and “Ordernumber” (Ordernumber = Distributors sku)
Additional Information
You can use the following steps to help save you time in creating your bom csv.

Insert the fields:
1) “Place” with a Value of “YES” or “NO”,
2) “Provided” with a Value of “YES” or “NO”
3) One of the following suppliers “DigiKey”, “Mouser”, “Farnell” or “RS” followed by the supplier sku.
An example on the right.
If we don’t find Beta Stock for this component and “Place” = “YES” and “Provided” = “NO”, then we will insert the supplier/sku into the csv.

“Place” and “Provided” will also be automatically inserted:
Instructions on how to create the BOM and component placement plan for Gerber
In addition to the Gerber data supplied for PCB manufacture, we need extra information to complete the PCB assembly process. You can download the file “gerber_e.zip” for this purpose and review all details which are required..
1. Bill of materials (BOM)
A template showing how the desired parts list should appear can be found in German in this download (“BOM_Vorlage_2003.xls” and “BOM_Vorlage_2007.xlsx”) and in English (“BOM_Vorlage_2003_ENG.xls” and “BOM_Vorlage_2007_ENG.xlsx”).
The BOM must include all components, even those that are not to be placed.
Please use the column “Place Yes/No”.
If we are to order the components for you, we need more information about the distributor, as well as a corresponding order number. Please ensure that the components are available in a machine-compatible packaging.
2. Pick&Place file
Export this file from your layout file. In addition to the component names, component values and packaging, this also includes information on the mounting positions such as x-, y-coordinates, rotation angles and which side of the PCB is to be assembled. A demo file can be found in the Download as “Gerber_Pick&Place.txt”.
The individual columns in the file are separated with “TAB”. If relevant information has not been completely exported, you must add this later.
Apart from the components, at least two reference marks with corresponding x and y coordinates must also be listed.
Please note that these points are clearly marked in the component placement plan.
To obtain a reference point for the coordinates of the components, information must be given to the orientation of the PCB.
3. Component placement plan
Therefore, the components, component names and outer contours of the PCB should be clearly visible in the component placement plan. This is also needed for the final visual inspection.
Also, the orientation of poled components (such as diodes, electrolytic capacitors, ICs, connectors, etc.) must be identified here, as well as the reference marks specified in the Pick & Place file.
4. Stencil
So that we can produce an SMD stencil for applying the solder paste, we need the paste data for the PCB. Please include this information with the rest of the production data.
Instructions on how to create the BOM and component placement plan for ODB++
In addition to the ODB++ data supplied for PCB manufacture, we need extra information to complete the PCB assembly process. You can download the file “ODB++_e.zip” for this purpose and review all details which are required..
1. Bill of materials (BOM)
A template showing how the desired parts list should appear can be found in German in this download (“BOM_Vorlage_2003.xls” and “BOM_Vorlage_2007.xlsx”) and in English (“BOM_Vorlage_2003_ENG.xls” and “BOM_Vorlage_2007_ENG.xlsx”).
The BOM must include all components, even those that are not to be placed.
Please use the column “Place Yes/No”.
If we are to order the components for you, we need more information about the distributor, as well as a corresponding order number. Please ensure that the components are available in a machine-compatible packaging.
2. Pick&Place file
Export this file from your layout file. In addition to the component names, component values and packaging, this also includes information on the mounting positions such as x-, y-coordinates, rotation angles and which side of the PCB is to be assembled. A demo file can be found in the Download as “ODB++_Pick&Place.txt”.
The individual columns in the file are separated with “TAB”. If relevant information has not been completely exported, you must add this later.
Apart from the components, at least two reference marks with corresponding x and y coordinates must also be listed.
Please note that these points are clearly marked in the component placement plan.
To obtain a reference point for the coordinates of the components, information must be given to the orientation of the PCB.
3. Component placement plan
Therefore, the components, component names and outer contours of the PCB should be clearly visible in the component placement plan. This is also needed for the final visual inspection.
Also, the orientation of poled components (such as diodes, electrolytic capacitors, ICs, connectors, etc.) must be identified here, as well as the reference marks specified in the Pick & Place file.
4. Stencil
So that we can produce an SMD stencil for applying the solder paste, we need the paste data for the PCB. Please include this information with the rest of the production data.
Assembly lead time explained
Sum of the components = Sum of the SMD and THT components x number of PCBs to be placed with components.
The following options are possible when you place your order:
Order with ≤ 300 components Please note: With 2 WD, 10 PCBs (max qty) and 300 components (SMD and THT, max qty) at the most can be ordered. 25 THT (max per order – not per PCB) |
2 WD |
Order with ≤ 499 components | 12 WD standard 8 WD 4 WD |
Order with 500 - 999 components | 14 WD Standard 10 WD 8 WD |
Order with ≥ 1000 components | 16 WD Standard, no expedited service possible. |
Status: January 2019
The lead-time required for PCB assembly is also added to the production time of the PCB. Therefore, please order your components that are required for the assembly in good time.
Our general specifications can also be found at the following link:
Terms and Definitions - for your information
- ESD - Electrostatic Discharge
- SMD - Surface Mount Device
- SMT - Surface Mount Technology
- THT - Through Hole Technology
- THR - Through Hole Reflow
- BOM - Bill of Material
- P&P - Pick & Place-Tabelle
- AOI - Automatic Optical Inspection
Comparison of the metric system and the imperial system
In the metric system, the basis is the meter, in the imperial system the inch. mil stands
for milli-inches or 1/1000 inch; this corresponds to 0.0254 mm.