Beep and Reflow light blinking at end of soldering
We bought a reflow kit 8 month ago and we've trouble at each end of soldering process.
All the steps are done one by one but at the end, the reflow led is blinking and a there is long beep.
We use the solder paste provided with the reflow kit and multicore 96SC RP15 AGS 84V too
On our pcb, it looks like it's missing a bit time under reflow mode because the solder are not perfectly done.
The thermometer is taped with capton against a dummy pcb at the center of the oven
I performed a lot of "learn" without more success.
What is the trouble and is there a solution to fix this ?
Aw: Beep and Reflow light blinking at end of soldering
Hi Lionel,
you should get good soldering results with both solder paste types.
There are a few things you should check:
1. Is your dummy PCB the same type like the one you want to solder? (single/double sided, multilayer, soldermask..)
2. Try to put the PCB you want to solder in the center of the oven and the dummy PCB close to it.
3. If 1. and 2. wan't help, you can change reflow parameters (time and temp) using the serial link of the controller connected to an external PC. Please refer to manual how to change settings.
Good Luck!
Re: Aw: Beep and Reflow light blinking at end of soldering
Gerhard schrieb:
There are a few things you should check:
1. Is your dummy PCB the same type like the one you want to solder? (single/double sided, multilayer, soldermask..)
2. Try to put the PCB you want to solder in the center of the oven and the dummy PCB close to it.
3. If 1. and 2. wan't help, you can change reflow parameters (time and temp) using the serial link of the controller connected to an external PC. Please refer to manual how to change settings.(...)
Hi, thank's for the fast reply,
1. answer is yes, exactly the same and the thermocouple is taped with capton against a pad at the center of the pcb.
2. That's the case, all the pcb are small and around the dummy at the center
3. I'll try asap.
But what's the reflow light blinking and the beep means at the procces end ?
Aw: Re: Aw: Beep and Reflow light blinking at end of soldering
Hi again,
the beep just indicates that the soldering process has finished. You should open the oven's door soon to avoid overheating of your PCB.
The blinking Reflow-LED tells you that the temeperature inside the oven is still above 50°C. You cannot start the next cycle unless the temperature has dropped below 50°C.
Kind regards